Joe and Eliett ended up heading toward the capital and since I was determined to spend this 'free weekend' at the lake I made plans to travel there with a friend I met here in Xela. I wasn't feeling all that well when I left, but the trip there actually wasn't as bad as expected (I ended up sleeping for much of it - shocking, no?) Still, I was exhausted upon arrival and pretty much went straight to bed. Saturday I slept in, still not feeling 100% but the lake is
We started the trip back today relatively early, and I said goodbye to Diego (as he headed to the capital to fly home tomorrow). Goodbyes seem to be a constant at this stage in my life - and as much as I hate that, on days like today - I'm ever amazed by the people I meet coincidentally and how much I end up finding out about myself and them through converstaion. Diego proved to be an excellent travel partner and was more anti-USA than anyone I've met in a while; which led to some interesting debates. I found myself talking up Minnesota often...that land of glory...can you tell I miss home? I'm fairly certain the states is still last on his list of places to visit, so maybe I'm not the best debater. However, it did bring to mind much that I love about home, which seems only natural as I reminisced on the rocky edge of a lake.
This evening I spent some quality time with the family. I'm not sure I've talked about my host family here - but my host-dad is one of the most
(photo - my host dad was teasing one of the girls about wearing her hood and convinced everyone to join in. the boy is my host-brother, the girls are all fellow boarders...although they seem to have been living here quite a while, it feels like extended family.)
Sometimes, even when I'm far from home, it ceases to feel that way - the lake, long conversations with friends, a big family dinner -the weekend just felt much like home in enough ways that I'm far less homesick than I was a week ago. And all of the sudden, it feels as though the tempo has picked up - one week left in Xela.
Pupusas and gallo. Oh my God I want to go to Mercado Central right now.
Rebekah, MIJA--- My eyes feel as though they want to water right now just reading your words. .. I couldn't help but get a big heart smile inside when I read your words about MN... I am a bit intimidated for this upcoming Brazil trip and you are reinforcing to me the importance and good-nature of being proud and open about where you come from...
Te digo sinceramente que por aquellos meses, me has dejado muy impactada con tu amistad. Me haces falta, Rebekah.
Very, very much love and thoughts... Mija Anni.
La verdad es que me dejaste con algo de ganas de ver aquello, pese a que soy "more anti-USA than anyone I've met in a while".
Disfruté mucho de ese "fin de semana gratis". Disfruta lo que te queda de Xela!
Ya echo de menos todo aquello...
Un beso enorme desde Valencia!
Xela es muy bonito y Guatemala aun mas...espero disfrutes de lo que haces..y relajate un poco cuando puedas ....
Mil besos...nos vemos pronto...en el mas pequeño de centroamerica...pero no por eso se queda sin belleza....
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