Friday, February 6, 2009

gastrointestinal strife....

I'm headed to Lake Atitlan after a night of 'gastrointestinal strife' (as it's referred to in my manual). I watch the students get sick all the time but had been fortunate enough to avoid stomach issues here until yesterday. So much for my stomach of steel. Still, I'm determined to use this 'free weekend' to see the lake - so I drank a little of the concoctions/home remedies/gatorade (check out my nightstand, my host mom was so worried) and I am feeling significantly better. Although if you've ever experienced a chicken bus in Guate, you know I've got a trecherous afternoon ahead of me. Ha! I'll let you know how it went upon return.


Anonymous said...

oh no! stomach issues = never fun. hope you're feeling better... (this is kate, btw... for some reason my google account isn't logging on)

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better by now, Rebekah. Our group just finished the rural week -- homestays Sun to Wed with families in Ixtlilco (I was so thankful for Christina, who carried the conversation and clued me in on necessary things. I just listen and try once in a while to say what I need to.) We spent Thurs & Fri at the Hacienda -- students loved it, but were very anxious to be in less structured contexts. I think the next 3 weeks will be good -- just Spanish and a very few additional activities. Then homestays in Cuernavaca. We go to the Embassy on Friday of this week.
Joe and I got a bed a week ago. What a luxury! Still looking for things to sit on.
Be well and continue your blog. I check in once in a while.

Mark Menning said...

"Stomach of Steel" - I love it (probably really helpful for such a handy person)