Monday, April 13, 2009

something about Mexico...

I'm back in Managua after an incredible week in Mexico. I ended up staying in Cuernavaca for the whole week, but I got to relax, to dance, to enjoy some really good Mexican food and most importantly, to catch up with many old friends. Whenever I get to return, and perhaps more so this time because it had been longer, it feels like a celebration. People weren't really sure what to make of my 'new accent' (central american influence, but unidentifiable at this point, i guess) but were encouraging about where I'm at and remeniscent of my time there.

It's been five years since I first went to Mexico, and while I've now spent various months living in four other countries in Latin America (that I have also loved) there is something about Mexico that wins me over. I adore that country; it was fabulous to be back.

That being said, the trip also gave me really wonderful perspective. When I get to tell people about my current job and talk about the things that we're learning/seeing/doing here, it re-energizes me and reminds me how much I love my current situation.


Unknown said...

Yes! HANK!

Theresa said...

It was such an awesome semana santa! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got here and got back -- hope you don't have flu symptoms. Things quite "normal" but the economic toll is horrible.Poor Mexico! And then we had an earthquake on Monday too -- rattled the windows at the house, Joe said.