Monday, March 16, 2009

long awaited victory!

It's still somewhat unbelievable to me, but the FMLN won! (Makes me smile just to type that.)

Sunday evening was nerve racking and intense and glorious as we watched results roll in from the elections. We happened upon a political rally of sorts, which turned into a celebration with the announcement of the victory. Fireworks and caravans through the streets - people couldn't contain their joy.

And what a long-awaited joy for so many. Our driver today was telling me that this is the first time in his life (he's in his mid 60's) that the presidential candidate he voted for has won. His vote, along with that of many others, finally meant something, validating people who felt unheard even after fighting a 12 year war. I'm so happy for those who have waited and am grateful for the absence of blatant, widespread fraud. And I'll admit, I'm hopeful (and optimistic) that the space created for change will be well utilized.


Diego said...

Parece que aún hay esperanza por allí. Ojalá no se quede en sueños e ilusiones y ese cambio de gobierno aporte de verdad.

Un besote desde muy lejos!!!

Dee said...

So glad the people's vote counted!!

Anonymous said...

I was going to send you an article from the NY Times on this...but I assume others already have and/or you have just looked at stuff on your own. It will be interesting to see where the country is at in a couple years or 10...


Korla said...

"Ahora, en este momento, el partido ARENA pasa a la oposicion."

That gave me goosebumps and made me cry. What a reality.