Wednesday, October 8, 2008

plantas de fuego!

one of the larger components of my job is to accompany students to the doctor/hospital when they aren't feeling well. i've been there every day since sunday, usually with digestive issues...but last weekend presented a new scenario.

in groups of 2-4 students ventured out to rural Christian Base Communities to study the ways in which people's faith manifests itself in everyday life and in their communities. (i spent the weekend sleeping, catching up on reading and, in general, relaxing.) students came back and raved about the level of organization they saw, the sense of community they felt and the general warmth of the people.

one girl also showed me her arms and made some joke about them being red. they had gone on a hike and something irritated them, it seemed - a rash, we assumed. she took some bendryl and went to bed. throughout the course of the following day (at the beach) the 'rash' turned into some of the most horrific blisters i've seen...ever(this pic doesn't really do it justice). we decided it best to visit the doctor and found out in the ER that she had second degree burns...from a plant!

fortunately the 'burnt girl' just so happens to be one of the most gracious, upbeat people i've met and we actually had a really good time in the hospital - i think we were both just in shock and we couldn't stop laughing about how bizarre it all was.

what? plants that burn? apparently it's a defense mechanism some have developed...and everyone on the hike was worried about spiders. who knew - plantas de fuego. i swear, the learning never stops around here.

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