Thursday, October 16, 2008

a four block walk...

So it may not the most socially responsible consumption - but man. oh. man. do I love Cinnabon. And I have certainly never lived within a four block walk of a Cinnabon...but I do now, which is dangerous and wonderful. Who would have guessed, in El Salvador.

Entertainingly enough Cinnabon's mission statement here is: Hagamos que nuestros visitantes digan "WOW!"/We make our clientes say "WOW!". Ha. That's my coworker Joe in the photo, he's a fellow (and perhaps even bigger) fan of the bon.

Well, that's globalization for you...and in this case, especially on a tough day when I'm missing home, I'll take it.

1 comment:

tory said...

I always think of you when I walk past a Cinnabon in the mall...mmmm, now I kind of want one