Wednesday, August 20, 2008

where in the world...

Since I would have *bombed* the Carmen Sandiego challenge as a child (and even/especially now) I thought I would not assume that others just so happen to know where I am at this moment in time.

So a very short geography lesson follows - many of you will already know these things, and for those of you who don't, there's no need to feel shame. When they offered me the job I also pulled out a map to see exactly where I'd be.

The map above shows Central America in relation to the states (good ol' Texas and Florida representing) and South America below. I drew a black box around the portion of Central America in which I'll be living over the course of the next year - and you can see a close up below (don't be tricked! the box I drew does not include all of Central America).

I am currently in Managua - which is nicely noted with a star. Tonight I will take a bus to San Salvador and on Saturday I will take another bus to Guatemala City. We'll meet the students in Guatemala City on Monday and be there for a few days before heading to a smaller city - I can't wait to meet all of the students, and to be in a place that's not quite as warm as it is here.

That's all I've got today; and I promise that this will be the only geography lesson you'll get from me - I always did like Rockapella more than the geography trivia anyway.


Unknown said...

vaca--so glad to hear that things are going well. i really wish i could be with you in guat city--i loved being in guat. i am excited to stay posted and find out how the kids are (like SEJLA kids) or not. :) i miss you and am so excited to follow in your journey--thanks for sharing. i love you becky!

Lindsay said...

That was a very good geography lesson! If only you knew how many people have said, "How is Rebekah liking Mexico?" Me- "It seems to be going okay...she's in Nicaragua though, actually." Them - "Oh right, right, South America."

Also, I especially liked the display of your skill in making that black box. Very impressive. :) I miss you!

Sarah said...

Neighbor, I'm so excited for your time in Central America and wish I could join you there. Funny story, though: I had a dream that a whole crew of us were meeting up at McDonald's for whatever reason. You were all dressed up in a fancy dress, hair curled, make up on. I mean who doesn't dress like that to eat at McDonald's?! Anyway, you had this hot boyfriend and were about to announce that someone in McDonald's was engaged. I don't think it was you but I woke up before you could tell me. Bummer! That's all I remember but I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. Have fun!

Joe Stewart said...

Wooo! Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego. Glad to hear you are enjoying the seasonally uncomfortable Nicaragua. I miss you much, and hope that all is well