Friday, May 10, 2013

home and away again...

Last Saturday morning we all woke up early in order to have our final breakfast in Havana and say our goodbyes before we headed out to the airport. It was emotional (and a tad scary, I was pretty sure the bus had left me behind for about a half hour) but we made it to the airport and through all the lines relatively smoothly. Once we were all settled in the waiting area and happily trading photos/reminiscing, we heard over the loudspeaker that our flight would be delayed three hours (at least). Considering many of us had connecting flights, this was distressing. Much more to some than others. But as obnoxious as it was, it felt entirely poetic. To leave in a chaotic way, completely different than what was planned or expected. And something about that made me appreciate it, despite the inconvenience.

Havana from above - ya la extranamos!

The week that has followed has been lovely - albeit a whirlwind. I have gotten to see my entire family and some close friends and I've eaten the foods I missed and enjoyed lots of lattes. And tomorrow morning I'm headed to Italy with my dear friend Kate for about a week.

I hope you keep checking in here occasionally  I'm hopeful that this summer I will take some of the stuff I wrote while in Cuba, edit and add to it and post it in chunks so that people may still have a chance to read a bit about our time there, even if it is after the fact. And with internet as fast as it is here (miraculous seeming, after three months of the Cuban connection = so slow!) I can even include pictures.

But it's late and I should sleep; so for now: Arrivederci!

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