Saturday, February 13, 2010

constant change...

We've been in Guatemala for four weeks now and we're headed out to Santa Anita - a community of ex-guerrillas that have 'traded in the smell of gunpowder for the smell of coffee'. They work together as a cooperative to produce coffee and we get to spend the weekend hearing their story and touring their gorgeous property (and drinking lots of coffee!). After that we'll spend a week in the countryside learning about rural life in Guatemala.

Things are wrapping up here, is what I'm trying to say, I guess. And that's happened three other times, but this week, it's likely the last time. I'll often complain about certain parts of the semester but I've grown quite fond of Xela and I will miss lots about it.

There's something incredible about the way that knowing you're leaving a place changes perspective. For me it heightens things - food tastes better, people seem more interesting, music more nostalgic, mountains more grandiose, sunsets more beautiful. Maybe that's why I've turned into this strange breed of transition-junkie. Constant change doesn't let you get used to much or take much for granted.

I don't think my post has a 'point' today really. I suppose I'm just more conscious of the emotions surrounding coming and going this time through. I hope that you're all well and surviving the snow at home :) I miss you.


Korla said...

Look at you happy-looking people walking down to Chichi. (Fidel!)

This being my last semester of school, I'm also coming to realize the significance of 'lasts.' (Realizing, but not getting very good at them.)

For what it's worth, I'll bein Xela for most of the month of June (from the 5th onward). If you are still in the region and don't have a ticket back to Minnesota, you should think about coming up.

I'm also trying to convince my sister that we should spend a couple weeks at Santa Anita after she graduates from high school next year (2011). So far I need to work on her some more. But my fam is probably going to visit in El Salvador while I'm there, so I'm hoping that goes a long way. :)

I love you and miss you. And I hope that you're planning on being in MN for longer than the time I'll be away.

Korla said...

OH - forgot to ask: Does Rigoberto still do the introduction to Santa Anita for the CGE group? He still stands out in my mind as one of the strongest and most loving people I have ever encountered. I hope groups still get a chance to interact with him some.

Unknown said...

huh..i´m a little bit jealous..but i want u to be it doesn´t matter..lov u hon!