Monday, January 19, 2009

begin again...

I'm back in Guatemala, back in the guest house where I met our fall semester students, here to meet our spring semester students. They arrived today. The dining room buzzed with awkward 'getting to know you' conversations. And as wonderful as they may be, there's probably just no way to get through these first few days without some pretty uncomfortable moments. That being said – they seem like decent kids, thus far.

It's good to be here, but if I'm honest with myself it's been a more difficult transition than I expected. I laid awake last night thinking through future plans and the coming semester and the past few years and I just felt unsettled. I'm not sure why exactly. Many people in my life have taken paths that can seem more 'logical' or more 'settled' than mine - and don't get me wrong, I love my life here - but occasionally, aspects of their paths can seem appealing.

I have fabulous coworkers and talked through it with Joe this morning. I feel more at peace with it all now as I write this, but I am certainly missing home and that centered feeling I'm blessed with when I'm surrounded by family. I'll write again soon, hopefully with something slightly less introspective once we get moving - Guatemala City is not one of my favorite places. By Wednesday afternoon we'll be back in Xela.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Rebekah. I'm glad you are back on your blog. We are looking forward to new students tomorrow and Sunday. Cuernavaca's warmth is so great. Joe and I had too much cold and snow in MN -- enough to last quite a while. The drive took us 4 days, but without incident. Except... for silly Naurine got excited about getting the car permit and forgot to have my passport stamped and visa noted at the bridge. Had to return to bridge in Laredo to do that -- a little lost time, but no harm done. Traffic bad in M.C. but not a single wrong turn. Getting settled is going well.