Sunday, December 7, 2008

la purisima!

I learned today, this 7th of December, that the virgin Mary was immaculately conceived on this very day (however many years ago that would have happened). And you better believe that in the Catholic Church this is reason enough to celebrate, or at least go to mass. My coworker was explaining that in the states today is known as one of the days of 'Obligation' or something similar (no offense to Catholics if I'm mistaken; I really am just now learning about all of this).

However, in Nicaragua it's one of the largest holidays of the year and is celebrated with fireworks and a Halloween-esque tradition in which people set up altars to the virgin in their home and then give out food or candy to people who enter and sing a song of praise to 'la purisima' (the incredibly pure one: Mary).

My friend Eliett invited me to her home and it really was a lovely evening. We were walking around the neighborhood, waiting in lines to sing at different altars (me mostly pretending to know the words...I don't think I was fooling people) and the streets felt electric in the best way possible. Imagine Halloween, without the scary stuff and for everyone, not just kids and creepy teenagers.

One of Eliett's relatives said "Today no one is hungry, even those who don't have anything". Anyone is welcome to come sing and receive the food that's given out. Do I personally believe that Mary was immaculately conceived on December 7th? Not really, but I do now love this holiday. I loved the way it's celebrated, the fact that people here go all out for this kind of stuff (you wouldn't believe the fireworks in the last 24 hours) and the belief it encourages in the idea that the best way to celebrate is by singing and giving, to whomever happens to show up.

"Que causa tanta alegria?!"
"La concepcion de Maria!"

- refrain shouted through the streets

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