Saturday, September 27, 2008

la escuela de la montana...

so my week in the mountains is done and it was an excellent time. i've been stressing about how to write about it all...i'll write a bit now and if more comes to me later i'll post and backdate it (hope this isn't too confusing)

time there (my verse wasn't all that entertaining, but the song in after our evening at the coffee cooperative i headed to 'the mountain school' with a smaller group of students (just 6 of the 18). we spent a week studying spanish (the little hut in the picture there was my classroom), eating meals with a local family, participating in the school's scheduled activities and general community livin'. it was really fun to get to know the students better and a late night beetle incident with one of the students made me laugh so hard i cried - first time that's happened since i left home. it's incredible how rejuvenating laughter can be. we finished the week off with a rap that students wrote about their its entirety cracked me up) and a really great graduation evening with the teachers.

it rained every day and everything was wet and chilly for the whole week, but if they send me back in February i'll be more than happy to return.

1 comment:

Naurine said...

Glad to hear you are back. Wet for a week is not so fun. Be well. Naurine