Saturday, August 30, 2008


So – I played soccer today. That might not seem like that big of a deal to those of you who don’t know me all that well, but…well, it is. I guess it just needed to be part of my job before I’d venture back into an athletic game, but I did – and…get this: I actually enjoyed myself. I wasn’t that good and I know I’ll be sore tomorrow (running around for an hour at 6,000 feet is something to which my body certainly isn’t accustomed) but I had a good time.

And beyond that – it was a good lesson in humility. Every day we’re asking these students to make themselves look stupid as they try to communicate in toddler level Spanish. I was there once, but it’s been a while and while I still make mistakes, I’m comfortable doing so at this point and usually realize when it happens. It had been a while since I had felt as exposed and untalented as I did when we started today...and then I got over it. And that felt really good.


Joe Stewart said...

Love the soccer-playing, but most of all, love the humility.

Te extrano muchisimo

Unknown said...

What? You playing futbol? Maybe I'll have a running partner to do a marathon with when you return? I'm so glad to hear that all is going well--thanks for taking the time to share with us what is going on in your life! I miss you girl!

paul said...

Futbol huh? I gotta find out what they did to convince you to play. It's both hard and easy to imagine you out there running around. Joking aside, it's heartwarming to read about the humility/joy of your new experiences.